According to article L 121-16 and the consumption regulations, the buyer has 14 days, counting from the day he received the order, to return, at his own expense, the product(s) he has ordered if it/they do not meet his expectations.
The returned product(s) has/have to correspond to the original product and they need to be in the same condition as they have been received by the buyer.
All special order ("Special order” refers to any order of product not normally stocked by Lestrouvaillesdelsa or any product that is custom-made according to the buyer's request and specification) will not be refunded.
The buyer, when returning the products, declares his name and order number in order to simplify the refund process.
The return can be made by express parcel tracking in France to the following return address:
Les trouvailles d'Elsa
1 rue des Prouvaires
75001 Paris
If the above stated conditions are fulfilled, Les Trouvailles d’Elsa refunds the buyer within the 5 days that follow the reception of the order by the buyer (the date the buyer received the parcel counts as notification to Les Trouvailles d’Elsa that the buyer has exercised his right of withdrawal).
The refund corresponds to the amount of money the buyer has transferred to Les Trouvailles d’Elsa when buying the product(s), except for the shipping fee and the return fee of the product(s), which has to be paid by the buyer.